Monday, October 18, 2010

Its my money and I need it now!!!

    One thing that I would change about Wright State are the flex dollars. Does the University actually believe that college students just have cash laying around to put on this account? Even if we did I'm sure that money would be put towards more important things. I had no idea what flex dollars even were until I went to go print something off. Charging for printing has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of. College is the mecca of long papers; six cents per page may not seem like alot but trust me it adds up. Just this morning I added three dollars onto my flex account to print off two five page papers. The first printer i used didn't even have any ink in it, but did I get my money back? No I did not. Once I found a printer that worked my end balance was about a dollar fifty. The thing that upset me the most about the whole situation is how I went out of my way to print these papers off for my instructor who swore up and down that we needed them for class and we didn't even use them. That was a waste of my time and money. Instructors just expect us to print out every little thing they assign as if its free. Another flex dollar mis hap occured last week in the campus store. I was purchasing a poster and decided that rather than pay in cash I would use my wright one. Not to my surprise I ended up paying in cash. We get seven almost eight hundred dollars for dining but there is no way I'm going to spend all of that money on food. I do not understand why that money cannot be transferred onto our flex account. If people want to waste all there money on gaining their freshman fifteen, sophmore sixteen, and senior seventeen more power to them! As for me I'd rather spend my money on whatever I want. It's ironic how unflexible flex dollars are.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Smoking in public places

     Smoking in public places

    There is nothing that irritates me more than when people smoke in public places. In the past years this occourance has decreased due to smoking bans being put into place. Still I find myself coming into contact with some type of smoke numerous times a day. The most frequent comes from cigarettes. Just the other day I was on my way to math class and was greeted at the door by a crowd of people that just so happened to go for a smoke when it was time for me to use that door. So I held my breath until I got inside. Some may think that I'm being overly dramatic but i do not care the smell of smoke is disgusting, it burns my eyes, and makes me cough. A majority of my family smokes so I have had to deal with this my whole life. I don't know about you guys but I like fresh air and I would appreciate it if someone has to smoke they do it outside away from entrances. It makes no sense to be in front of a door smoking because all the non smokers are still breathing in your smoke as if you were smoking inside. I'm not saying that smokers have to smoke in a roped off area but they should take everyone elses health into consideration. here's a video that shows the effects of smoking

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

henri de toulouse- lautrec

 Ballerina- the first tutu

     In the first tutu, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec  shows ofcourse a ballerina in what appears to be a dance studio. The girl is probablly in  her teens, she is dressed in the ideal leatard, tights, ballet slippers, and tutu. When you think of a ballerina words like happy, excited, joyous however the ballerina in this painting is not embodying any of these characteristics. She is very solemn. People who dance in general are expected to have confidence so I believe thatToulouse-Lautrec portrays the ballerina like this to show that everyone has insecurities, people who are beautiful, rich,and successful in actuality they are just like you and I. The confidence they show on the outside may just merely be an act to cover up how they feel inside. In this painting the ballerina is showed all alone in her dance studio examining her stomach in her new tights. It's her first tutu so understandably she is a little self conscious about the way she looks. It's no different than when we get our hair cut and we're constantly seeking other people's apporval to assure us that it's ok. This work appeals to women of any age because we all have struggled with self esteem issues and in some way can relate to what she is feeling. I thinkToulouse-Lautrec probablly supports the belief that women are constantly uncertain about their appearance because he could of easily showed the ballerina how we all envisioned her to be. He believes that even though we are all separate beings, at the end of the day alot of us are dealing with the same issues.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Tuning In

      I believe television is a very powerful tool that can be used in both positive and negative ways. I also believe that the negative are out weighing the positive. Now a days when you turn on the tv its very likely you will be exposed to alot of inappropiate material. i took notice of the gradual change in society since the tv was first invented. I remember the time my parents told me tv just used to cut off. my mouth dropped, I couldn't fathom watching my show and the tv just cut off. I got angry just thinkin about it. However, the more I thought about it the more sense it made because back then everyone didn't even have tv's so it probablly didn't even phase them. Now pretty much every household has atleast one tv in it. there are just alot more electronics in general like computers, video games,cell phones, etc. This has also resulted in the rise of obesity in both children and adults. We as Americans spend way too much time sitting on our butts in front on our tv's, playing video games, and talking/ texting on cell phones rather than spending time outdoors, exercising, or just with one another. We can not blame the companies who sell us these products because we are the ones demanding them. Before we know it our whole nation will be composed of alot over weight individuals with no social skills and failing health.. I'm not saying that we should just ex out tv all together rather that we create a healthy mix of both exercising our bodies and our minds.

Friday, October 1, 2010


   Ads rule everything around us

 Billboards, posters,signs,etc. everywhere we go we are surrounded by advertisements. Just the other day I was driving past a bench and it read "see you looked! bench ads do work". After reading that not only was I mad that I had actually just read that but I agreed with what it said. I realized that I wasn't even paying attention I was just looking out the window and  there it was.

     If  I watched a thirty minute show on tv it seems as if there's ten minutes of show and twenty of advertisements. I usually change the channel and tell myself how much I hate commercials. Once I choose a channel the same commercial is on again. So I give in and watch it then a few days later find myself quoting it word for word. I'm sure you can relate.

    Ads are a part of our everyday lives, companies are getting bolder and bolder they'll do whatever it takes to get there point across. Yes, Some of them are a little out of hand but what kind of world would we have without them?

   funny_ads_4.jpg funny image by Cornpuff911Ads_Vs_Reality.jpg used image by patcheye-jim
