Thursday, October 14, 2010

Smoking in public places

     Smoking in public places

    There is nothing that irritates me more than when people smoke in public places. In the past years this occourance has decreased due to smoking bans being put into place. Still I find myself coming into contact with some type of smoke numerous times a day. The most frequent comes from cigarettes. Just the other day I was on my way to math class and was greeted at the door by a crowd of people that just so happened to go for a smoke when it was time for me to use that door. So I held my breath until I got inside. Some may think that I'm being overly dramatic but i do not care the smell of smoke is disgusting, it burns my eyes, and makes me cough. A majority of my family smokes so I have had to deal with this my whole life. I don't know about you guys but I like fresh air and I would appreciate it if someone has to smoke they do it outside away from entrances. It makes no sense to be in front of a door smoking because all the non smokers are still breathing in your smoke as if you were smoking inside. I'm not saying that smokers have to smoke in a roped off area but they should take everyone elses health into consideration. here's a video that shows the effects of smoking

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