Friday, October 8, 2010

Tuning In

      I believe television is a very powerful tool that can be used in both positive and negative ways. I also believe that the negative are out weighing the positive. Now a days when you turn on the tv its very likely you will be exposed to alot of inappropiate material. i took notice of the gradual change in society since the tv was first invented. I remember the time my parents told me tv just used to cut off. my mouth dropped, I couldn't fathom watching my show and the tv just cut off. I got angry just thinkin about it. However, the more I thought about it the more sense it made because back then everyone didn't even have tv's so it probablly didn't even phase them. Now pretty much every household has atleast one tv in it. there are just alot more electronics in general like computers, video games,cell phones, etc. This has also resulted in the rise of obesity in both children and adults. We as Americans spend way too much time sitting on our butts in front on our tv's, playing video games, and talking/ texting on cell phones rather than spending time outdoors, exercising, or just with one another. We can not blame the companies who sell us these products because we are the ones demanding them. Before we know it our whole nation will be composed of alot over weight individuals with no social skills and failing health.. I'm not saying that we should just ex out tv all together rather that we create a healthy mix of both exercising our bodies and our minds.

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