Monday, November 8, 2010


In the event that i was forced to save one book for future generations before disaster struck I would choose the Bible. I don't read many books but even if I did I would still have chosen the Bible. This book is filled with knowledge and insight that could be used as a guideline for future generations. The Bible is like every type of book all rolled up into one. The Bible has been very influential in my life so I would want others to share in the experience. I believe that the world would be in worse condition without it.

Friday, November 5, 2010


At the beginning of the quarter, the revision process was difficult  for me. I came from a high school where very seldom we were assigned papers to write. When papers were assigned they were at max three pages, you could copy and paste the whole thing, and the teacher would give you an A and nominate you for student of the month. However, In college if I copy and pasted anything I might as well start filling out McDonalds apps now. I find it hard sometimes to reach the entire length required for my papers. Sometimes I have said all that I have to say in two pages but the minimum is four pages so my papers start off strong but begin to fall apart towards the end. My Instructor's comments make sense it's just a little frustrating when you work really hard on a paper only to find out that it's all wrong. One thing I do enjoy about the drafting process is that rather than just turning in one final paper we have multiple chances to make corrections so that our final draft will be as close to perfect as possible. Overall my writing has improved and I accredit drafting and revision for making that possible.

Holloween time

      Holloween is a relatively fun holiday, ofcourse I enjoyed it more when i was a child but I still make it tradition to dress up and watch The Great Pumpkin. Speaking of pumpkins, my very first holloween I was a pumpkin a very cute pumpkin if i might add but sadly I do not have access to the pictures at this time so you'll have to just take my word for it. Other costumes i remember were a clown, hippie, and black cat but the costume thats remains most vivid in my mind is the witch. From second to fifth grade every year I was a witch. This was largely due to me watching the Holloween movie series on the Disney channel, the main character was a witch and I thought she was the coolest. My mom bought me a real witches broom, or atleast I thought it was real. Nevertheless, I was riding around on it like it came strait from the hands of the wicked witch of the West. Movies played a big role in my holloweens as a child, films such as The Wizard of Oz, Thriller,The Great Pumpkin, and Hocus Pocus graced our television every year around this time.
In recent years I have traded in my candy bag for a bowl of candy, passing it out to those younger than myself and sometimes older. I never quite understood why some adults still feel obligated to trick or treat. However I'm not going to rain on there parade since its all in the spirit of holloween.
