Monday, October 18, 2010

Its my money and I need it now!!!

    One thing that I would change about Wright State are the flex dollars. Does the University actually believe that college students just have cash laying around to put on this account? Even if we did I'm sure that money would be put towards more important things. I had no idea what flex dollars even were until I went to go print something off. Charging for printing has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard of. College is the mecca of long papers; six cents per page may not seem like alot but trust me it adds up. Just this morning I added three dollars onto my flex account to print off two five page papers. The first printer i used didn't even have any ink in it, but did I get my money back? No I did not. Once I found a printer that worked my end balance was about a dollar fifty. The thing that upset me the most about the whole situation is how I went out of my way to print these papers off for my instructor who swore up and down that we needed them for class and we didn't even use them. That was a waste of my time and money. Instructors just expect us to print out every little thing they assign as if its free. Another flex dollar mis hap occured last week in the campus store. I was purchasing a poster and decided that rather than pay in cash I would use my wright one. Not to my surprise I ended up paying in cash. We get seven almost eight hundred dollars for dining but there is no way I'm going to spend all of that money on food. I do not understand why that money cannot be transferred onto our flex account. If people want to waste all there money on gaining their freshman fifteen, sophmore sixteen, and senior seventeen more power to them! As for me I'd rather spend my money on whatever I want. It's ironic how unflexible flex dollars are.


  1. wow, camille, you're pretty serious about your flex dollars! i understand where you are coming from but i do understand why you have to pay for printing. paper nor ink are free! i'm not sure, but i bet you can afford $.06 per sheet.

  2. So it's funny that you mention that you didn't get your money back because the same thing happened to me this morning. I was in the 24 hour lab in the basement of the library and this morning I went to print off some papers for this assignment I needed to turn in and what happened? The printer wasn't working but I had already clicked on all of my assignments on the computer. And did I get my money back? Most definitely not. I was really upset.

